Insightful Inspirations

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Let's Face It - Better Out Than In

Image by Kerstin Riemer on Pixabay

My weak spot in my body is my lower back. It is actually part of what started me on the journey to wake up and pay attention to what is really happening. I had back surgery in my twenties and then a series of other events unfolded because of that, that completely changed my life forever.

Because of this journey, massages and sacred self-care have been part of my journey. There is nothing like having some good healers on your side. Learning to navigate this body of mine has been no small feat. I am sure you can relate, having your own personal meat suit. Ha!

But here is the thing, our bodies are always helping us listen to our energetic health and what we are resisting or allowing. For example, when I am in a massage and they encounter a tight spot, my body flinches and protects the spot. It is painful and I don’t want to feel this pain. At this point, I have two choices, skip the spot or dig in deeper.

If you skip it, the problem remains and festers, eventually causing more problems throughout the body. If you dig deeper, the body resists the pain but eventually is forced to let go and relax. What a gift to let it go. Now it may be sore and need healing after the release, but it is so much better than hanging on to it.

Emotional Releases

By now we have all heard the phrase “what you resist persists”. This is the case with pretty much anything. Especially those feelings we avoid. When we avoid the painful ones and stuff them down, problems come up and fester and cause more problems. If we just feel the emotions and get them out, it releases and we move on.

Sometimes just staying curious about your feelings helps them release. Other times we might need to process them with a trusted friend or professional. Either way, painful emotions are often avoided and are just as important as happy feelings. For more on how to work with your emotions check out my blog post on “Getting through it.”

Stuck emotions eventually lead to other health and energetic issues. So moving through them is always better than avoiding them.

Perseverate much?

Let’s talk about that mind that won’t stop going over and over things. If we avoid things that are difficult or just think about the surface issue over and over, we never get that thought resolved and it takes away the energy to process other things. But if you dig in and figure out why you are mentally processing something, you can resolve it with more clarity.

Facing your problems with curiosity helps them move through instead of lingering and causing frustration. Energetically, perseverating on issues takes up a lot of your manifestation cycles. Your manifesting energy attracts more of the problem, so you can get to the bottom of it. Are you done with that lesson? Then get curious and move through it.

A little side Share

I want to share an old video with you of my son. He is reading from my book, Insightful Inspirations, and he is reflecting (on his own, unscripted and unplanned) about his experiences with getting hung up on a blind cord. His advice, stop trying to ignore it. Face it and let it go. So cute! Wouldn’t it be great if it was just that easy.

Get that Massage

Get a massage, take time for that self-care, and find yourself a good healer to guide you. Notice where you are feeling pain, tension, or struggle and are avoiding actually digging in. If these are particularly painful places to go to, ask for help to work through the painful places so you can release them. Allow yourself to get support, to help you face what you aren't facing and move past it.

Pain is just part of the process, but it doesn’t have to linger if you let it flow.