Insightful Inspirations

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Intuition Vs. Thoughts

I was out to dinner with a dear friend of mine, when she asked me the question I get frequently which is "How do I know when to trust my intuition?".  Of course, I want to say “always!” But let’s explore when that thought is just a thought and not intuition.

Your thoughts are not the same as your intuition. It can be difficult to discern the difference between the two. Your thoughts are a system of experiences, social conditioning, habits, and the attempt to preserve the ego. But here are some ways to evaluate your thoughts.

Check the Intensity and Duration

True intuition tends to be more subtle and persistent, not obsessive or constantly replaying in your head. If a negative thought won't leave you alone and is causing distress, it's likely negativity, not intuition. Negative thoughts often have an intensity to them. Intuition is subtle, supportive, and feels like a nudge rather than a push.

Check the Emotional Tone

Fear-based tones are always a good indication that you are in your thoughts and not listening to your intuition. Intuition should not provoke feelings of anxiety or stress. True intuition has a calm, emotional tone. It brings clarity to situations and helps you feel settled. Negative thoughts are often rooted in bias and will reinforce old ways of feeling, including familiar, old wounds. There is also often a judgmental emotional tone to the negative thoughts.

Check for Logic and Evidence

Does your “gut feeling” have any factual backing or is it based on negative assumptions? Assumptions can be a key indicator that your thoughts are intruding rather than your intuition. Especially check-in if those thoughts are telling you how someone else is feeling about you. Negative thoughts like to jump to conclusions. Intuition considers information and doesn’t need to support its own narrative. It just is, there is no defending or explaining in an intuitive thought.

Intuition Never “Have Tos” or “Shoulds”

Your intuition doesn’t need to push itself into your life. It simply is there, making gentle suggestions. If you hear urgency or words like “need,” “have to,” “should,” etc. you are dealing with your negative thoughts. Your intuition supports you and does not hinder your happiness and growth. Negativity often fosters overthinking and second-guessing.

Wishful Thinking

Sometimes our thoughts aren’t only negative. Sometimes they are wishful thinking or telling us what we want to hear. Your intuition doesn’t make promises about outcomes, because there are no true promises about outcomes. Also, notice where you might be confirming what you or another person wants to believe. Intuition might back you up on the positive directions in your life, but it will never guarantee anything.

Work on Your Intuitive Machine

Ultimately, learning to distinguish between intuition and negativity is a personal journey. Pay attention to your internal signals, practice mindfulness, and trust your ability to discern your authentic gut feeling from harmful negativity. Support your inner empath so you can know the difference between you and the outside world’s projections.