Insightful Inspirations

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Sending love

I often make the wonderful mistake of sharing my guides messages with my husband, only to have my guides repeat the same messages back to me later on. I actually do love it. It reminds me of the wisdom the guides are offering not just to my clients, but to me as well.

But let’s face it, it isn’t always easy to be called out on behavior that might not be serving you. The guidance I have received of “if you are not contributing love to it, you shouldn't put energy into it” can be challenging for me at times. They mean everything! In this fear-riddled world, with the media, the chaos, the intensity, sometimes love is challenging to offer.

Easier said than done

I think, “I am a loving, accepting, spiritual person...this should be no problem.” Then holy cow! It is harder than you think. Watch for your walls with this. Who do you struggle to send love to? Sometimes they are the very people you want to send all of your love to.

My kids have been my biggest teachers on this. The people I love and accept the most. As they begin to act out and do their normal kid things, I find myself getting worked up and frustrated. This is not contributing love to the situation.

The first time this happened when I was consciously paying attention to it, I sent love to my youngest son (just with my heart and mind, not saying a word) and he began to calm down before my eyes. It would seem that would be enough to anchor the guidance in. But I am human too and these situations arise again and again. Thank goodness for my husband yelling out "send it love" to snap me back. I might need to remind him to do that more often.

Hurt people, hurt people

We often struggle to send love when we are feeling judged, hurt, out of control, or victimized in some way, and when we take things personally. Know your triggers. Pay attention to why the guides, and The Light Council, would be so insistent on this guidance. It quickly becomes clear that you can’t send love to something when you feel separate and disconnected. It also makes you feel drained and weakened. Not using this guidance actually causes damage to your aura. So this is something you might want to avoid.

Choosing Love

I am choosing to pay attention to these situations and contribute love as often as I can. I am human and have to give myself permission to my emotions, but I can still send it love while feeling my own emotions. Bring in more tenderness into your own life. I hope you will join me in my choice.

I pass this challenge on to you. Send love to absolutely every situation you can. Notice when you struggle to do this and see if it gives you information about yourself and where you may be losing yourself throughout the day.

Sending you love.

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