Do you know what you asked for?

I have been through many stages of manifesting power at this point. But at the beginning, the idea that I was the director of this play felt utterly ridiculous. When I first started “awakening”, let’s say, I realized by comparing notes and working with others, that during this process many of us experience the same things. 

I realized this along time ago, but new awareness always comes to me as I see people bursting their own illusion bubbles. The same fears, questions, and doubts seem to come up for all of us. 

"What if I am crazy?" 

"What will people think of me?" 

I remember asking for many things during the early phases of this process. "Please raise my vibration so that I can hear clearer." or "Please help me hear my guides and know that they are my guides." It is because I have asked myself that question at some point, that I can now help others with their own, similar questions.

But really, do you know what you asked for?

As I worked with my clients, through their desires and limiting beliefs, I realized that most people don’t really know how to get what they truly desire, making them nuts! First of all, you don't even know what you are asking for, because you have never had it, so you have no reality of it. You simply have a concept of something you want brewing deep inside you. But you can’t expect to already know what that is going to look like when it comes to fruition.

It is like telling a nine-year-old to "grow up". How will a nine-year-old even know what that means or how to do that? Does he have to try to do that? No, because without even trying, eventually they will grow up. Until then, they don't even know what that means.

Your Vibration is Listening

The law of attraction tells us that what we are in vibration with is what we will attract. How do you even know how to be in vibration with something you never had before? Do you think you will be able to find that vibration by trying really hard? Probably just the opposite. That feeling of not being there yet is more strong in your vibration than your shift into having what you want.  That affecting is your vibration, attracting more things to effort over. 

One way to stop this ridiculous trap is to start to learn to listen to your mind with neutrality. Begin to be the observer, rather than the voice. There are two versions of you in there, the voice and the part of you that hears that voice. Get familiar with that listener. See if that listener can start to shift the conversation into space, curiosity, and expansive listening of what else is possible. Meditation, journaling, or just a mindful walk through nature can begin to help you shift into this space. 

Rest in the Knowing

Check-in. Are you telling yourself to "grow up" faster than is reasonable? Are you trying desperately to be somewhere you are not? Go easy on yourself and get playful. Align yourself with watching for the next steps in your manifestation rather than jumping to the end. Rest in knowing you are headed in the right direction, now all you have to do is take your foot off the break. 

The Tao Te Ching says "The way takes no action, but leaves nothing undone." This simply means that just by being where you are you will automatically go where you are headed next. Let yourself rest in knowing this and relax. Hold off on requests from the universe for just a minute and see what is already unfolding at your feet. 

Stop pleading with your guides and angels to show you more and just ease into the in-between and see what comes. Start with a curious mind. Test your reality. Ask for a sign if you want, but stay playful and have a sense of humor. The universe has one. It is the only way to play. Things might come slowly or in big leaps. You might even be in the process of being prepared by the universe to have what you say you want. Don’t forget to celebrate the successes, big and small.

There is only one way to get where you are going and that is to be where you are first. 


Your Energetic Intelligence


Why am I surrounded by idiots?