Books To Start Learning To Work with your Empathic Side

Of course, I want to share my book first! But below are some amazing books to check out.

Energetic Boundaries

By Cyndi Dale is one of my go-to for people who are just getting started with energy healing. This book is super simple to understand and very helpful in beginning to build a healthy subtle energy practice. Some people just pick this book up, open a page, and read it, rather than cover to cover and get what they need at the moment.

Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration

By Penney Peirce is another one that is great if you are trying to understand what you are attracting, how you are attracting it, and why. This book does a wonderful job of introducing you to the concept that everything is vibrating including you and if you change that vibration, your perspective shifts dramatically.

Make it The Seat of the Soul

By Gary Zukav. This is really the first book I read when I was trying to “wake up” to what was happening in my life. I loved the concepts this book present, but also really started to see my whole reality differently after reading a book like this. I don’t agree with everything in it, conceptually, but a really good, open you up, type book.

Radical Forgiveness

By Colin Tipping. This is one of my all time favorites! This book literally changed my life and led me on a path to understand soul lessons, contracts and suffering. This is highly recommended if you are struggling to understand something that has happened between you and another person that is hard to forgive.

The Empath’s Survival Guide

By Judith Orloff., MD If you know you are absorbing energies like crazy from the world, this book has some strategies to begin to learn how to shield yourself. It also helps you understand a little better about what is happening and why.

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

By Dr. Joe Dispenza. This one is a little more science and brain chemistry rather than just subtle energy. Dr. He brings in the idea that you are not doomed to your genetics and can chance your reality through working with your neurochemistry.

The Biology of Belief

By Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. This is a very powerful book on how your cells are impacted by the thoughts you have and the beliefs you hold. If you are experiencing health issues, especially if they are a bit mysterious, you might find this book very enlightening.

Energy Anatomy

By Caroline Myss, Ph.D. I love Caroline Myss’ work. A lot of what she has to say is direct and holding you accountable for how you use your energy. This book is a good place to start to learn more about your energy centers.

The Four Agreements - a Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

By Don Miguel Ruiz. This is a must have book. The principles in this book are easy to follow and can create profound shifts in your life if followed.

Latest Books I Have Read and Would Recommend…

Attuned: Practicing Interdependence to Heal Our Trauma—and Our World

By Thomas Huble. This is a very digestible version of what I teach about energy. I love that he turns it to trauma into a way to connect with each other and hold space to process what we have all been through.

The Book of Knowing and Worth: A Channeled Text

By Paul Selig. This is one of his books that really resonated with me. Now this is channeled knowledge. As a channel, I can tell you it doesn’t always land well with everyone. But for those who can take the downloads, this one is packed with -igh frequency wisdom.


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