The Universe as Your Co-Creation Partner

Have you ever felt a deep sense that there's more to life than what you currently see? That you're meant to experience abundance, joy, and a life aligned with your deepest desires? If so, the concept of co-creating with the universe might be the key to unlocking the life you're longing for.

What is Co-Creation?

Co-creation with the universe is based on the idea that we have the power to shape our reality. You are not simply a passive observer of the universe. When you work in partnership with the powerful, benevolent forces of the universe there is more potential to bring your dreams into being. It's not about magic or wishing things into existence; it's an active, intentional process that puts you in the driver's seat of your own life.

When you are willing to work together with the resources around you, i.e. people, opportunities, connections, inspirations, etc., you are giving up the idea you have to do it all yourself. You then give voice to the universe as your partner. You can create exponentially more because you are not just using your abilities to create, but the entire universe’s ability. You can also align with the values of the universe which support you and everyone else in their expansiveness.

Your Thoughts and Beliefs Matter

Your thoughts, beliefs, and actions play a role in shaping your experiences. The universe loves diverse perspectives. It creates from a place where anything dreamed of can come to fruition. However, your limited beliefs can block this process. When you genuinely feel that what you want is possible, things begin to open up. When you genuinely trust that what you want is deserved, you are met with that worthiness.

Try and feel into your limiting beliefs. Answer these questions honestly.

  • Do you think what you want is easy to have?

  • Do you think other people will be happy for you to have what you want?

  • Do you trust other people to help you create what you want?

  • What do you expect to happen next?

  • How would it feel if you already knew, with 100% certainty, that your desire was already manifesting?

How to Co-create with the Universe

  • Get crystal clear on what you want. The universe needs a clear blueprint to work with. Visualize it with vivid detail but be willing to let your co-creator show you something else. As you use your imagination to visualize, more information might come in unexpected ways.

  • Embody the feeling of having what you want. Don't focus on what you lack. Instead, cultivate the feelings you'll have once you achieve your desire. The universe responds to your emotional state. Live as if your dream has already manifested.

  • Believe it's possible. Cynicism and doubt block abundance. Foster an unshakeable belief that you deserve your desires and that the universe has your back in making them happen.

  • Take inspired action. Co-creation is a partnership. The universe won't serve everything to you on a silver platter. Listen to your intuition and take the bold steps that feel aligned with your goals. I like to say “look for the lily pads to jump to.” The universe may not show you the entire path, but it will light up the next steps if you allow it to.

  • Practice gratitude. Gratitude amplifies positive energy. Focus on everything you're grateful for in the present moment, and you'll attract more things to be grateful for.

  • Trust and surrender. Let go of the need to control every outcome. Let things gestate. Some things take longer than others to make room for itself in your life. Trust that the universe is orchestrating events in your favor, even when you can't see the bigger picture. Do what is yours to do, ask for help, and surrender the rest.

“How” is None of Your Business

Co-creation is not an overnight miracle. It takes time and persistence. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately. The in-between space is where the miracles are brewing. What hasn’t been yet is about to be, but it takes a minute (sometimes). The universe often delivers in unexpected ways. Be open to possibilities and be receptive to the gentle guidance of the universe. It may lead you down a path you never envisioned, but one that brings you even greater fulfillment. If you try and control the “how” rather than work with inspired action and surrender, you will find yourself fighting against your partner.

The universe is your co-pilot in this amazing journey called life. When you embrace the ideas of co-creation, you'll discover that your dreams aren't as far-fetched as they may seem. You hold the key to a life filled with joy, abundance, and deep fulfillment.

Are you ready to start co-creating your dream reality? Let me know in the comments!


Awaken Your Inner Artist


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