The easy way out - or going with the flow?

Pixabay image by Florian Dittmar.

Nature therapy is amazing for all of us. Doing some nature walks with a four-year-old takes it to a whole new level. I remember taking a nature walk with my four-year-old near a stream. As we were walking, I noticed how the water rushed quickly in spots, slowed in others, and meandered through the trees. I noticed how the stream took the path of least resistance, rather than a straight line of efficiency. I also noticed how open and curious he was, with no agenda.

This is how energy works too. If there is a block, energy flows around the block. This leaves a block, of course, but it keeps moving nevertheless. When you are flowing, you are growing and that is what we all want, right? So this blog is asking you to know yourself and grow yourself with the law of awareness.


How come, most of us humans have a difficult time taking this meandering way of things? We seem to push in places where it just isn’t working. We try to make it work and feel like a failure if it doesn’t. We believe things have to be hard to be worthwhile. If it looks too easy, there must be something wrong with it or it is the lazy way out. What if this isn’t true?

What are you trying to control? What are you having a hard time letting go of? This is the first step to getting to know what healing pattern you are. Self-acceptance is key here.


Set yourself up to notice where you may be resistant to going with the flow or taking the “easy” way out. Maybe you think it is lazy, but perhaps it is just the path of least resistance and there is power there.

Notice where you might be expecting too much and not letting it just happen.

It could be that you are living with chronic pain and when you wake up every morning, you expect it to be there again…and it is! Maybe you are feeling a lack of money and you wake up that morning and expect to have a lack of money…and you do! Thought, as The Light Council has said, is a powerful thing.


Instead of expecting it to be the way it always has, expect that there is just a different path you are meant to take. Explore a different route with your choices. See what is right in front of you. What is being offered as an alternative to how you have always done it?

What might be an alternative? The universe wants life to be fun and easy. When we just resist it, we are missing so much of the co-creation reality that is being offered to us.

Take a look around and see where it is time for you to change course. Release the fear of change and explore the fork in the road! Have fun with this and everything you do!


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