The Solution for The Empath - Navigating the Electrical System

We tend to think of ourselves as biological beings, bags of flesh and bone powered by food and water. But what is food and water, but energy? We are fundamentally electrical beings. Our hearts beat, our lungs breathe, and our eyes perceive energy. Energy is the basis for who we are and our conscious relationship with that helps us learn to optimize our health and well-being.

This isn't just a woo-woo, new-age concept. Science has long known about the electrical nature of our bodies. Neurons fire with electrical impulses, our hearts beat thanks to electrical signals, and even our thoughts are thought to be the result of electrical activity in the brain.

So, what does it mean to approach yourself as an electrical being? It's about recognizing and embracing this electrical essence and the conscious influence you have over it. You can wire yourself more effectively and easily have more light available to your everyday existence.

Here are a few ways to start tapping into your inner electrician:

  • Think of yourself like a light bulb. Notice how your energy levels fluctuate throughout the day. Do you feel brighter or duller when you engage in your daily activities? Notice that too much energy going to a light bulb can be just as damaging as not enough.

  • Visualize your energy flow. Spend time in stillness, paying attention to the electrical energy naturally occurring throughout your system. Then see if you can notice it changing when you intend it to.

  • Learn about your energetic anatomy. Every good electrician knows how the wires work. Learn more about your energetic bodies and how they wire and fire together. Self-Healing 101 is a good place to start.

  • Connect with nature. Nature is a powerful source of electrical energy. Spend time in the sun, swim in the ocean, or simply sit under a tree and feel the energy of the earth.

As you learn to think of yourself as energy, you may have more energy, feel more grounded, and experience a greater sense of well-being. You may also find that you become more attuned to the energy of others and the world around you.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to approach yourself as an electrical being. The important thing is to explore and find what works for you. So, plug into your inner spark and see what lights up your world.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Keep a journal. Track your energy levels and any insights you gain from your electrical being practices.

  • Find a community. There are many online and offline communities of people who are interested in exploring their electrical nature.

  • Be patient. It takes time to develop your healthy empathic side. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately.


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The Expert’s Opinion on The Unhealed Empath