The Benefits of Having Healthy Intuition

There are many more benefits to strengthening your connection with your intuition. As you begin the journey you will discover your unique benefits and learn more about your authentic purpose. You will start to unpack the many gifts that you bring to the world around you. Get curious. Set some intentions to see how you can have a healthy relationship with your intuition.

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The Solution for The Empath - Navigating the Electrical System

We tend to think of ourselves as biological beings, bags of flesh and bone powered by food and water. But what is food and water, but energy? We are fundamentally electrical beings. Our hearts beat, our lungs breathe, and our eyes perceive energy. Energy is the basis for who we are and our conscious relationship with that helps us learn to optimize our health and well-being.

This isn't just a woo-woo, new-age concept. Science has long known about the electrical nature of our bodies. Neurons fire with electrical impulses, our hearts beat thanks to electrical signals, and even our thoughts are thought to be the result of electrical activity in the brain.

So, what does it mean to approach yourself as an electrical being? It's about recognizing and embracing this electrical essence and the conscious influence you have over it. You can wire yourself more effectively and easily have more light available to your everyday existence.

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Heal the Unhealed Empath - Techniques that Don't Work

An unhealed empath is someone who is highly sensitive to the emotions of others, but who has not yet developed the skills to manage their empathic abilities healthily. This can lead to several problems, including:

  • Feeling overwhelmed and drained by the emotions of others.

  • Struggling to set boundaries and say no to others.

  • Taking on the responsibility of fixing other people's problems.

  • Having difficulty expressing their own needs and feelings.

  • Experiencing anxiety and depression.

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Why Take Self-Healing 101

I can’t promise you any outcomes because everyone’s life is so unique. But I will say this, you can’t unlearn this stuff. Once you dive into the world of energy awareness and your psychic machine, you will see things differently. You can’t hep it.

I have seen so many amazing outcomes from people taking this class. Some people have become professional healers themselves. But that isn’t the point of the program. It is to help you create a better perspective for your life and manifest all of your potential.

I have seen people become better parents, partners, employees, and co-creators of their optimized reality. Go read the reviews. They are super fun!

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