Meta-Pirate Anti-Viral Master Spray


This spray is our own version (with modifications) to the centuries-old essential oil recipes that helped to fight infection and strengthen immunity. The Meta-Pirate blend of essential oils offers help, support and assistance for these times. It is to be sprayed into the aura, breathed in, and used as a shield.

Essential Oils: Lemon, Ravensara, Thyme, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Buddha Wood, Spikenard, Rosemary.

Crystals: Meta Pirate contains within it the crystal mix we use for our Christ Light Spray which includes: Red Horn Coral Fossil, Aragonite Sputnik, Mango Calcite, Rose Quartz, Pink Topaz.

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Instructions for Use:

Spray above the head and stand as droplets descend into and around the aura. Visualise each particle forming an energetic shield around you – from behind, in front, above, below and to both sides of you. Then envision this shield getting wider and higher until you are standing within the shape that has been created. This shape is a cube, a Hexahedron, one of the Platonic Solids also known as the building blocks for life.

You are within the cube, shielded, but you also are able to stand on top of the cube (still shielded) and this enables you to breathe air that is pure, uncontaminated and clean. Metatron says even in a room full of people, the energy will seek out a pocket of healthy air to bring towards you. With this cube like structure around you and part of you, you are also connected to the Earth and its ability to regenerate and turn waste matter into green shoots of new life. The 6 equal square sides of the cube also give you strength via the structure of the construct itself.

The cube also represents a block through which anything that seeks to attack you is impeded, and as you do this practice daily, the cube will become more resistant, reinforced and impenetrable by any lower energy, yet be intelligent enough to allow anything IN that is beneficial and healing.

This cube remains invisible to the naked eye but can be seen by some via their third eye. You may find the pulses of colour within the cube differ from day to day. If so, take what you are being given and allow it to ‘feed’ your body and soul.

This whole practice should be quick, instantaneous and done morning and night. It will not interfere with any activity, including sleep, but will help your body to hold a healthy pattern and structure amidst external chaos.

Turning to the channeled piece of artwork by Jayne Tricker on the front of this spray, please note the red and gold orbs of light. They reflect not just the droplets raining down from Heaven to put out the ‘fire’ of the current Covid-19 virus but also anything presenting as an attack on our immunity. The circles of red and gold also represent the multitude of Beings that come to support us from a number of faiths and belief systems and realms. Some oils themselves reflect that like Spikenard which is a nod to Christ whose feet were anointed with it by Mary Magdalene.

Within Meta-Pirate is a blend not just of oils but Angelic, Galactic, Ascended Master and Elemental energies.

Channeled words by Amanda Ellis, March 5th 2020.

Artwork: Jayne Tricker -

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