Insightful Inspirations

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Taking Responsibility Without Beating Yourself up

Our thoughts are our magic and intentions are our spells, cast to make them happen. Everything around you is something that you have created; good or exceptions. The key is to start taking responsibility for what you have created. To own it, to use it, for your highest good, and the highest good of the planet…see what happens next. 

The downside of knowing this is people often beat themselves up for what they create. They shame themselves into things instead of embracing the many truths surrounding the law of attraction. Shaming often perverts the law of attraction's power, in a way that feels heavy with responsibility and blocks desires and manifestations. 

Here is an interesting angle presented by Abraham Hicks. 

Drop the Shoulds

First, know that "should," "have to," "must," etc. don't serve you. You are placing responsibility on manifesting your space and bringing in the heavy, bogged down space that continues to block it. 

There is no such thing as should or have to. There is only a choice, your choice, to put your energy into places you desire. Realize that where your energy is going now, you are willingly giving it; you are in charge – where do you want your energy to go? What do you want to create in the world around you? Who do you want to be present in this new reality with you?

Make Friends with your Desires

Stop apologizing for what you want. As long as you are in alignment with your greatest desires, you will find truth in what you can have and what you want. I often see people afraid to even look at their true desires for fear that it will throw their whole life off course. They feel like they "have to" stay on the path they have chosen, and they soldier on, wondering why they are becoming more and more unhappy.

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We are taught not to be selfish or greedy, and those are great traits to avoid. But rather than avoiding something, how about moving toward what you want instead? Most people want love, connection, peace, a feeling of faith, and trust in themselves and the world around them.

What do you want? Do you even know? Have you ever given yourself the space to answer those questions without taking into account your limitations, responsibilities and/or other people's projections about what you "should" want? Take a moment, write those desires down. Your desires can, and will, change over time, and this is also okay. 

Instant Gratification

Instant gratification is another negative force that keeps us from fully allowing ourselves to stay in touch with our desires. We think that if we desire it, we must have it...NOW! Therefore, if we feel we can't have it now, we won't even acknowledge wanting it. The pain of acknowledging the desire and not having it met is too great, and so we avoid the desire.

However, if you can turn that feeling, of desire, back into playful pursuit, you may begin to shift how you go about finding ways to meet this desire. Like a scavenger hunt, begin to look for ways that the universe is already helping you manifest what you want and letting you come into better alignment with receiving it. 

Don't examine everything

Once we get going with being more aware and present, with ourselves, we can sometimes take it too far. Yes, pay attention to your thoughts, intentions, and emotions, but try your best to avoid examining everything.

Your mind may trick you into wanting to categorize things into good or bad. It is trying to convince you that if you only do it "right" you will feel great all of the time and never have another problem. 

To avoid problems is not the point; align yourself with the great creator within you. Play with life and all that you create and trust within yourself. 

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