How To Channel Your Grief (Guest Post)

How To Channel Your Grief - by Camille Johnson

If you've suffered a personal loss, you may be in the process of making your way through the stages of grief, which include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Self-care is critical at this time, and there are forward steps you can take to help you through this process. Insight Inspirations can be your compassionate partner on this journey, helping you devise coping strategies that meet your unique individual needs.

Spend Time With Loved Ones

Don't be afraid to talk about your loss and process your feelings with those closest to you. The American Psychological Association recommends carving out time for family and friends, particularly if others in your family or social sphere are experiencing the same grief. For example, if you’re both LA Dodgers fans, consider picking up some tickets to an upcoming game. Who knows? Heading out to a Dodgers game could be just the thing you need to relax for a bit and cheer, “LA Dodgers here we go!”

Also, spend time together in the outdoors, if possible, and find something in each day to enjoy and appreciate, whether that’s a soothing cup of tea, a walk on your favorite hiking trails, or listening to music that calms your soul.

Exercise, Eat, And Sleep

Grief can sometimes have a paralyzing effect, but it's important that you continue healthy activities to keep your body physically strong. In addition to healthy, nutritious eating, make sure you're getting adequate exercise and sleep, managing chronic conditions, and staying hydrated. If you're having difficulty sleeping, Sleep Advisor says your physician may suggest a temporary sleep remedy like medication or cognitive therapy to help get you through these early stages. Consider meditation as another way to relax your mind, body, and spirit.

Adopt A Pet

Grief can inflict a feeling of loneliness, and adopting a pet can be healing on a number of levels. While a pet is not a replacement for your recent loss, it can give you something bright and positive in your life. When you rescue a pet from a shelter, you're simultaneously giving that animal a new lease on life, and the two of you can chart a new path forward together. Before choosing a pet, make sure you have a good understanding of the breed’s temperament, activity levels, potential health problems, and lifespan, and that you’re choosing a companion animal that fits in well with your lifestyle.

Move Forward

For many people, grief marks a turning point. If there's ever been something you wanted to do, like travel, go back to school, or start your own business, this can be a good place to funnel your energy. Many people who want to go back to school opt for online universities, as these programs offer remarkable flexibility in terms of how you complete your classes. So, if you’ve always wanted to go back to earn your doctorate, now may be the perfect time to begin focusing on your continuing education.

Also, you may decide that moving forward means looking for a new place to call home. If you rent an apartment and want a change of scenery, begin looking online for apartments in Denver. These listings can help you choose the right place based on your needs and lifestyle; for example, if you have a cat, you can narrow your search to include places that are friendly to your companion.

Reach Out For Help

No two people process grief in the same way, and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. However, if you find yourself struggling, falling into a despondent level of depression, considering self-harm, or otherwise not taking care of yourself, reach out for help. Start with your primary care provider, who can refer you to resources that can help you through this difficult time. Grief counseling services and grief support groups can help you recognize that you are not alone, and provide you with coping tools to get through the toughest parts of this journey.

All of us experience grief at some point in our lives, whether that’s grieving the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, an illness, or even coming to terms with an unfulfilled dream. Finding healthy, effective ways to make your way through this challenging period is critical. 

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