Insightful Inspirations

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Rebirth (Again?!)

When is it time to reinvent yourself and start anew? How many times in our lifetime do we have to think about a new phase, a new process, a new you? Why do we even have to go there again and again? Because we are all about cycles, rhythms, and renewal. Our whole physical experience is about cycles beginning and ending.

Step One: Identify the Habits of Identity

This is happening continuously and often effortlessly, not just around big events. Though big events give us a reminder to pause and reflect on what you identify with. Most people tend to be very identified with a way of being in their life. For example, a set of patterns, a group of people, activities to attend, etc. We are so set in our ways, that we struggle if we lose the option of one of these patterns.

We fight to stay in ending patterns or fail to see something is no longer serving us. As Ecclesiastes states "There is an appointed time for everything" and the Byrds lovely song captures it so well. There are seasons in your life. Think about it, thank goodness you are not who you were ten years ago.

Step Two: Recognize Resistance

Often we fight the rebirthing process. We hang on to things and cause suffering just because we won’t let something shift. As our lives evolve, so do our energy patterns, ways of thinking, and ways of being in the world. If we let it. The rebirthing process isn't about dying and being reborn, but reshaping the way you think. Allowing your consciousness to move into a space that is working now, releasing what is no longer part of you or your world. 

Recognize where your body clamps down when you think about the change or the unknown. Tighten into it and then release it. Recognize where your emotions are tight and controlling. Lean into those feelings for a minute and ask yourself “what are these emotions telling me I need?” Listen and see how you can meet those needs. Recognize where your mind is trying to be “right” or justify the decisions being made. Reassure yourself that the answers will come and you are doing your best.

Step Three: Be Flexible

Reality is more fluid than we think. We have the benefits, through the fast pace of technology, to see this more so than ever before. We are now living in a time where ideas can become reality in a matter of months, if not days. Ideas that once would have been thought to be impossible. That is only possible because someone opened themselves up to a rebirth of thinking. A new way of being.

Being flexible about what can happen next - invite the miracles! Doing things as they have never been done before, allows for spirit to help you manifest. When you are flexible with your direction, you allow the universe to help you align with what is perfect for you.

Step Four: Be Curious

Open yourself up to the re-birthing process. Reinvent yourself! If you want to be different, then align yourself with that reality as much as possible. Be curious, ask questions, and be ready for unexpected answers.

Some Thoughts on Being Curious:

  • Meet new people!

  • Intentionally experience new things!

  • Spend time around others who are also in the process of reinventing themselves.

  • Ask your friends what you could let go of that is no longer serving you (sometimes they could see it better than you can).

  • Make room in your closets for new things but don’t refill it (yet).

  • Look for a new job, even if you have no intention of applying.

  • Go for it!